
Render Styles

The only time available to work the film was spent playing around with simple Photoshop filters and settings to help me develop the render style.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Joe said...


I really like the colorized version but wondered if you could push the amount of texture that's in the image...i was leaning toward the posterized version but that doesn't allow for the softer bits of texture that help contrast the harder more obvious textural elements...

somewhere betweenst the 2...

joe's 2cnts...

boob said...

Yep - I totally agree with Joe. I think they're all appealing in some way with a little massage. Like the inverted might look cool if it's only black and white that's flipped and ya keep the blue. Ya don't want it to be apparent. But I guess immediately I'm leaning toward the softer colorized version. I dig.